Arthroscopy Specialist

Daniel Haber MD
Orthopedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Specialist located in Campbell, CA
Arthroscopic surgery, also called arthroscopy, can be a highly effective solution for knee, ankle, wrist, shoulder, or hip injuries. At Daniel Haber, MD, patients in the Campbell, California area can get the specialized orthopedic surgery and sports medicine care they need to fully recover from their injury. With arthroscopic surgery, getting back to the activities you love may be quicker than you'd imagined.
Arthroscopy Q&A
What is arthroscopic surgery?
Arthroscopic surgery, commonly referred to as arthroscopy, is a procedure performed by orthopedists like Dr. Daniel Haber. The main function of arthroscopy is diagnosis and treatment of joint problems. The word arthroscopy is derived from two Greek words that mean "joint" and "look." Essentially, arthroscopic surgery allows Dr. Haber to look inside the joints that are causing you pain or physical problems.
What are the most common areas for arthroscopic surgery?
The most common areas for arthroscopic surgery are:
- The ankle
- The wrist
- The shoulder
- The hip
- The knee
The knee and shoulder joints are especially common sites for arthroscopic surgery. These two areas are especially well-suited to arthroscopic surgery because there's a large amount of room for Dr. Haber to manipulate the surgical instruments. However, thanks to Dr. Haber's extensive experience, he can perform successful arthroscopic surgery even in the tightest of areas, like the wrist.
Some common arthroscopic surgeries are:
- Removal of torn meniscus
- Repair of torn meniscus
- Removal of loose debris
- Reconstruction of ligaments
- Trimming away of damaged cartilage
How does arthroscopic surgery work?
While you're under a local anesthetic, Dr. Haber will create a tiny incision -- about 1 centimeter long. He will then gently insert into the incision a miniature arthroscopic surgery camera, which is attached to a powerful fiber optic light. A live picture of the inside of your joint is then projected onto a nearby TV monitor. Dr. Haber will introduce more fluid into the joint area, which clears away debris and makes it easier for him to reach the areas needing repair. Dr. Haber may make additional incisions to insert other surgical instruments if needed. For example, a shaver may be needed to trim the edges of a cartilage tear.
One of the major advantages of this type of surgery is that it's typically done on an outpatient basis at Daniel Haber MD. The procedure usually requires you to be in the office only a few hours, and then you can return home to recover. Arthroscopic surgery requires less downtime than traditional open surgery, and, in fact, many patients are able to go back to work in around a week.